Keeping yourself, your camping gear, and your personal items dry when camping is half the battle. The outer fabric is made of 190T waterproof silver plasters that have the function of shading and blocking UV rays; the bottom is made of 190D waterproof Oxford cloth.
A spacious tent design suitable for two people, very suitable for camping, beaches, picnics, backyards, and other outdoor activities.
Easy to install: quick and easy installation by one person in a few minutes. You can set up a tent when you arrive at any beautiful place.
Excellent design makes for an ultra-lightweight camping tent. The tent comes with a carry bag that is easy to carry and the collapsible tent is easy to store.
Material: Polyester Mesh Cloth
Lining: 170T Breathable Cloth
Super UV Protection
Bottom Waterproof: 120G/M3
Color: Blue
Size: 200*120*110cm
Volumetric Weight: 5.5Kg
Name of Importer: Prodigious Digital Solutions
Country of Origin: PRC
Manufacturer: Discovery Adventures
Common/Generic Name: Picnic & Camping
Net Quantity: 1
Support Service: 7093427583
Email: Support at
Address: 11-4-637/1, Moghal Chambers, AC Guards, Hyderabad 500004
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